About Alice Frost Studio
If you feel connected to nature and appreciate good design, you are in the right place.
Explore the variety of California’s native wildlife one hummingbird or salamander at a time. Delight in hundreds of tiny animal silhouettes used to make one big image like a puzzle. There are no repeats, each animal is a unique species.
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It’s all started with one little bird.
My path to making nature silhouette art might never have started if I had not been taking a walk on that fortuitous morning in June of 2014. I was astonished to see a bright orange bird on a neighborhood feeder. Orange birds are not common in Northern California so I had to look it up in a birding book. It was that migrating Bullock's Oriole that peaked my interest in the native birds of California.
As an artist, I love how silhouettes can tell you so much about a bird - the beak, the wings, the feet and tail. The Mallard Duck, Anna's Hummingbird and, of course, the California Quail are unmistakable in silhouette.
I am forever grateful that I get to make art inspired by nature that people use to beautify their homes to help support my family.
Thank you!